The latest news from Virginia Mediation
What to Expect From Your Lawyer
Some attorneys consulted by clients before and during mediation tend to give the clients only generic “legal information” about “legal rights.”
Why Does My Legal Case Take So Long and Cost So Much?
The time and cost of legal cases includes the time lawyers take to prepare, discover what the other side knows, learn about and counsel their client.
Litigation is an alternative to Mediation: Try Mediation First
Mediation can be a good alternative to the delays, costs, complexities, and insensitivities of litigation. Mediation helps reduce hostilities and retain control.
Lawyers Can Serve in One of Three Roles for Clients
Lawyers can play one of three different roles for you when you seek their advice during mediation, with increasing levels of commitment to you as a client.
Thoughts About Significant Others
A child’s attachment to parents and their belief that the world revolves around them are two reasons to not involve significant others with your children while they adjust to your separation and divorce.
Preparing for Service
Listening as a way of becoming means discovering who you are (self-revelation) by hearing others. It requires losing yourself to find yourself says Jesus. One way to lose yourself is in service to others. Service above self say the Boy Scouts and Rotary. How does...
How Lawyers and Mediators View Your Story*
Lawyers and mediators listen to your narrative of significant events that occurred during the marriage in different ways.
The History of Family Law Software, Inc.
Does your lawyer use Family Law Software? If not, why not? Does your mediator use Family Law Software? If not, why not?
If the Other Parent is Bull-Headed, Then You Must Become a Matador!
Be a matador when the other parent charges like a bull. Listen to understand, instead of listening to respond.
Retain Control Through Mediation
By choosing divorce mediation you remain in control, and you have the freedom to make your own settlement choices.