Schedule: Saturday, September 21, 2024 from 9 am to 1 pm over Zoom.
Virginia Mediation’s Parent Education Seminars have always covered the subjects required by Virginia Code Section 16.1-278.15 as to Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court (custody) cases and by Va. Code Section 20-103 as to Circuit Court (divorce) cases. These subjects are:
- the effects of separation or divorce on children
- parenting responsibilities
- options for conflict resolution
- financial responsibilities
Our classes are limited to 15 people seated so that they interact with each other and the instructor. From our first classes the stories participants shared and questions they asked revealed that what they wanted and needed was not covered under the 4 required topics, so we added:
- how to set boundaries
- how to improve communication
- how to hold the other parent accountable
- how to avoid the shouting, anger and misunderstandings
We also found that some of our participants and/or their lawyers were not sufficiently prepared for trial, so we added:
- What are the statutory “best interests of the child” factors judge’s must consider when making custody decisions
- What other factors most help (influence) a judge in making custody decisions
- How to help your lawyer prepare a winning case for trial
- How to hold your lawyer accountable: a custody/divorce client’s “Bill of Rights.”
The foregoing provides educational information and does not provide legal advice. It was not prepared for you either generally or in connection with any specific issue or case. The mediator does not give legal advice. You are responsible for obtaining legal advice from your own lawyer.